Diagram (acq. Figma) Pitch Deck

Diagram is a platform that powers UI design through generative AI, used by designers at companies like Uber, Netflix, Meta, and more.

Diagram launched their flagship Figma plugin, Designer, built by the company's founder Jordan Singer, in Spring 2020 (shortly after GPT-3 came out). What began as plugins and snippets to automate tedious and repetitive design tasks grew rapidly into a suite of AI-powered tools for designers.

Diagram was acquired by Figma in June 2023; one year later, Jordan shared this deck (with the accompany Loom recording) via Twitter.

Undisclosed • 2022 • M&A  

About the Diagram Pitch Deck

  • Raised: Undisclosed
  • Year: 2022
  • Stage: M&A
  • Investors: Figma

About Diagram

Diagram (acquired by Figma) builds AI-powered plugins and tools to accelerate and automate UI design.

  • Industry: AI
  • Tags: Design, UI, AI, Software, SaaS, UI Design, Cloud Collaboration, Productivity
  • Business Model: B2B
  • Customer Model: Other
  • Website: diagram.com
  • Legal Name: Diagram (acq. Figma)

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